The pain went away so I must be better right? As a lead in from the last post about finding the real problem to your pain. If you don't get to the real root of the original issue that started that pain, when the pain decreases, it doesn't mean you are better. It only means that your pain has decreased.
Having said that...some peoples pain could have started years ago, months, or even weeks ago. Patients try to find the ONE thing that triggered their problem. That's like trying to find the ONE love in your life...good luck!. Problems don't always occur from just one instance, were in a car wreck, had some sort of accident, or you can pin point the exact instant that your pain began. Some pain begins and slowly builds to where you actually take time out of your busy scheduled lives and say "I really hurt, I need to get this taken care of". Some patients have accidents and some have daily occurrences that build up to intolerable pain.
Now back to the title. Once pain goes away from "resting" or avoid activities, typically that pain will come back after those activities are resumed. It can take days, several weeks, months, or even years. But it usually comes back. So what do you do about it? Get to the root of the problem. Seek help from someone that can work with you and help the physical side of you get better. STICK with a treatment plan that involves breaking up scar tissue and then rehabbing the muscles to support the injured area.
If you have a knee problem, then you need to rehab the quad, ham, calves and shin musculature. They all tie into the knee. Quad and ham more so than the lower leg muscles by far, but lets be diligent in our quest to get you better.
Low back problems? Core it up! Abs, low back, gluts and hip flexors. All of them have to take the load at some time or another when the back shuts down.
All in a good ratio to each other as well. You can get a great six back and neglect the low back. you don't want killer quads and squishy hams either.
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